Wednesday 11 January 2012

Filming: Day 3

On Saturday the 7th , Myself and the group all went up to Embankment where we filmed all the shots we needed from south bank and the bridge. We met at 2.30 and filmed until it got too dark for us to keep continuity levels at a realistic level.  
During filming, we came across some problems. Firstly, Kimberley found it hard to remember some of the lyrics to the song, but we overcame this by writing the lyrics on paper so that she could read off them while looking at the camera. However, before taking a picture as part of our evidence, the pieces of paper flew out of Almaz’s hands into the Thames. Secondly, while filming the shots where she had to remain stationary in the middle of the bridge, many people walked past her and the public found it very hard to not look at the camera or back at us whilst filming which was frustrating after some time.

Overall, We had a productive day where we stayed focus, on task and was able to get everything w needed. We are now up to a point of filming where we believe that we can now focus on the editing aswell of what we already have, which is roughly about 5 hours’ worth of film. Once we have edited a good enough stage of work that we can do the initial showcase, we will continue filming the remaining locations, and if necessary, the previous loactions as well if we need to capture anything else.

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